Saturday, June 11, 2011

No is just one more chance for YES

There is so much rejection in this world on a daily basis. We don't always think about it because more often than not we can shrug it off and move on to something else.

Learning to be involved in an industry where there is constant rejection, I've come to understand how much rejection I've faced in the last two years, both in business and my personal life. I'll admit that I've gone through phases where I've gotten so frustrated I've wanted to quit and walk away. I wanted to slam the door shut and never look back, but no matter how many times I've wanted to forget about my dream I've never been able to fully shut the door.

I've had people in my life tell me to hold on a little longer. I needed to give my dream time to come together. I think the thing that has kept me going was sitting in college in my Entertainment Management class 2 years ago. One of the guest speakers said that if you really wanted something and to make your dreams in the entertainment business come true you can't take no for an answer. What stuck in my mind was when the speaker said "It only takes one yes to change your life."

Over this past week I have learned that hard work can pay off it just takes time. I have had people start to tell me "yes" for the first time since I started this journey 5 years ago and I'm looking forward to seeing what unfolds. So don't give up on your dreams. Keep fighting and don't take no for an answer.

"It only takes one yes to change your life."

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