Saturday, February 27, 2010

Success Tips: Cardio

Summer is just around the corner and everyone wants to hit the gym to look good for the summer. I’ve heard complaints from friends and various people getting frustrated because despite the fact that they do ridiculous amounts of crunches, they still can’t get that flat toned stomach. In the past few months I’ve had people at the gym and from friends ask me for advice. My answer? CARDIO!

Everyone thinks that crunches all it takes to get a flat stomach and that is completely false. It’s still important to do crunches, but cardio is the key. No matter what kind of cardio you take on, be consistent and keep up with it 2-3 times a week.

Cardio raise your heart rate and CAN increase you metabolism for up to 24 hours if you have a great workout. Cardio exercises burn fat and the exercises allows your body to burn calories throughout your body, which is what you need to burn that stubborn belly fat.

Aside from cardio, crunches, and staying consistent with a good workout routine, don’t for get to eat healthy. By healthy I mean having foods low on salt and sugar and replacing those choices with protein, veggies, and fruits. The process of getting in shape may be a pain some days, but once you see the results you were looking for its well worth it!

Stay happy and healthy

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Least Favorite Exercise

I love working out, but I always have those days where I’d rather forget about hitting the gym and would like to sit down on the couch with a huge piece of chocolate cake and watch TV. However, I’ve taken pride in looking and feeling my best over the last year and I always seem to find motivation to keep heading to the gym. BUT, I still have exercises that I absolutely would love to forget about and NEVER do.

I strongly dislike running. I LOVE cardio, but I’d rather hit the elliptical for a good 30 minutes or go hiking rather than run 5 miles. Although, once I get into the habit, running isn’t so bad. The other exercise I hate doing the most is stretching my hamstrings. This exercise to me is a little extra painful.

Having cerebral palsy, I’ve always had extremely tight hamstrings, more than the average person. When I was younger and going through physical therapy 2 to 3 times a week, my therapist would put a mini marshmallow in the “cup” of my ankle. (I had to turn my ankle in and make the tiny indent in my ankle). When I was able to make the indent my therapist would put the marshmallow in the indent of my ankle and I had to lean forward to get the marshmallow, which gave me no choice, but to stretch my hamstrings. As much as the exercise hurt, there was no way I was going to turn down that marshmallow! Ah, I kind of miss those days. I wish I had that kind of reward now when I hit the gym. J

What’s your least favorite exercise?

Sarah Laursen